Friday, October 20, 2006

What's all this about Xtreme Xbox 360s?

What is an iXtreme Modified Xbox 360?

Last Updated 14.11.07

The Current popular method of Modifying Xbox360's involves replacing the Bios Firmware on the DVD-ROM drive within the Xbox 360 unit. Whilst this does involve opening your Xbox360 & will invalidate any warranty you may have the benefits of playing backups (& saving your precious originals) is IMHO well worth it. The majority of 360's have either the Toshiba/Samsung, Hitachi/LG or Benq drive and three separate iXtreme firmwares are readily available for each drive. Identifying which DVD Drive you have inside your 360 is easily done (click me) If your drive looks like neither of the ones in the picture then perhaps MS have just added a new model eh.

Not content with simply modifying the existing firmware the programmers have included a great feature which actually locks the drive at 4x instead of 12x. This makes such a difference to the noise of the 360 but no difference to the loading times... ok it adds about 3-4 seconds in reality.

This Exploit has been available for ages and the programmers behind it are constantly improving, discovering & adding new features. Now chances are that if your reading this you either have or are considering modifying your xbox so what should you know?

Well if all you want to do is play backups and you will never connect to Xbox live any version of iXtreme or xtreme software will be fine for you for you but... If you want to connect to Xbox Live and get updates, demo's and downloads etc then you should know what version you have flashed onto your 360 and that your backups are fully stealthed or you may find your console unresolvably banned from XBOX live in the future.


Any Questions? Ask away..

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